Ethylene is a vegetable hormone; it is the only hormone that is a gas
This hormone facilitates fruit ripening and chlorophyll degradation. The vegetable hormones are natural chemical substances produced in certain points of the plants that regulate their physiological process
The fruits are divided in climacteric and non-climacteric according to their respiration and ethylene production pattern during ripening:
1. Climacteric fruits significantly increase the respiration and production rhythm of ethylene during ripening. The associated changes (colour, taste, aroma, texture) are fast and intense. Among others:
- Apple
- Apricot
- Avocado
- Banana
- Custard apple
- Fig
- Melon
- Peach
- Pear
- Tomato
- Watermelon
The ripening process of the non-climacteric fruits is continuous and gradual, keeping at all times low levels of respiration and production of ethylene. Among others:
- Cherry
- Pumpkin
- Grapes
- Grapefruit
- Pineapple
- Lemon
- Orange
- Tangerine
- Strawberries
In addition to the ethylene that the fruit produces, during its storage and transport the fruit is exposed to different and important sources of exogenous ethylene.
- Pathogens: Many bacteria and fungi species produce ethylene.
- Human sources: Any human activity in which a combustion is carried out will produce ethylene.
- Cross contamination between fruits: Ripe fruits nearby or with post-harvest diseases produce high levels of ethylene. Cross contamination can be found both in fruits in the same container or chamber and between different containers and chambers.
The Ozeano solution to eliminate ethylene consists of a mixture of porous clays and permanganate (granulate)
- Ethylene and other gases: (acetaldehydo, ethanol...)
- Odours (sulphur compounds...)
- Micro-organisms Bacteria and fungi (Botrytis, Penicillium...)
- Physical absorption: Related to the large specific surface area of the Ozeano clays.
- Oxidation: Through a process of oxidation the permanganate transforms the ethylene and other contaminants such as SO2, NOx, H2S and many other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) eliminating its harmful effects.
- Anti-microbial action: Permanganate is a powerful disinfectant known about since the XIX century (Condy's fluid):
- The bacteria in contact with the filter find a PH of 9.2 higher than its survival limit.
- The clays are negatively charged and attract positive particles, above which, the majority of the micro-organisms regularly move in the air.
- OZEANO eliminates many of the gases that the fungi uses to communicate, interrupting therefore the development of the fungi.
Through eliminating the contaminants of the air, the fruit keeps its organoleptic properties during the process of distribution
The ethylene absorption filters (Ozeano L and Ozeano XL) feature important improvements compared to the ones that are now on the market
One of the main innovative advantages is their high performance drip-proof design:
- Avoids the staining of boxes
- Increased efficiency of the tube, by micro-channels and more open mesh size
- Absorptive capacity of the granulate: > 3.5 litres C2H4/kg of product
- Fastest reaction of the granulate
- More compact filling and, therefore, by pass reduction