It’s been a week since Asia Fruit Logistica (AFL), ended up, and we want to thank all of you for coming visiting us and know more about our products.
AFL has been a great opportunity to consolidate our products in the Asian Market, to talk with final customers and distributors as well as the departure point to explore new markets.
In a few we would be pleased to announce new countries where our ethylene absorption filters and dataloggers, will be available.
Among our latest products, we launch at AFL our Coollogger Green, a new temperature, relative humidity and light sensor data logger. This is a Bluetooth data-logger that records humidity, temperature and door opening. Once data is download, all records and reports go automatically to the cloud and become accessible both for the importer and exporters at our free cloud data base.
Visitors valued the tranquillity of European quality products that guarantee the maximum effectiveness. Thank you for your interest and support. We keep working in preserving your perishables in the best conditions during the stages of transport and storage.